Friday, August 11, 2017

Reflectus Interruptus

I wanted to post Chapter 4 of Dr. Bobby Greenleaf Lovejoy much sooner even than today.  What I can tell you, besides "oops sorry", is that today's Reflectus Interruptus results from my struggle completing that next episode.

I'm working on it I promise.

OK.  In the meantime, here is the "interruptus" part of today's post.

My original intention in sharing this blog with you remains the same:  to describe my journey in real time so other new and renewing writers can tap into share my thoughts and feelings as they occur.   And to remind seasoned writers what it was like at the beginning so they can encourage and support their less experienced colleagues.

Goodness knows the basket out there is full of answers written by experts promoting their own neat bundles of advice.  In fact, I'm guessing more people are generating revenue by "How To Write" books and articles than there are writers being paid for actually writing short stories, novels, poems, memoirs and so forth.  I have finally come to the rather colourful conclusion that "How to Write a Book" is Amazon's red light district.

Here is the "reflectus" part.  

My goal for Bob's Write from the Start has been and is now to regularly produce, say once or twice a week, a post describing my steady frustrations or progress toward developing into a skilled productive writer myself. "Frustrations" are happening.  "Progress" is happening. "Regular" is definitely not happening.  

My thoughts, barriers, frustrations, hopes and insights all pop up in fits and starts.  There are half-formed, and sometimes half-baked, obsessions I often can't express, explain, or abandon.

So, until I can get my thoughts somewhat clear, I can't post another chapter.

I share this with you not only to account for my ongoing pattern of blogging truancy, but to let you know that, besides you, there is at least one other striving writer in the universe who shares, and is sometimes mystified by, this dyssynchronous experience.

In other words, you are unique, but you are not alone.


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