Saturday, June 17, 2017

About Over-thinking 2

There is an old saying that goes something like this: "If one person tells you you're drunk and you feel fine, ignore that person.  If seven people tell you you're drunk, lie down."

The original source cited varies from Russia to Central America, and the number ranges from three to ten.  And while some list the source as 'The Walking Dead', no one claims the activating number of observers to be two.  And yet . . .

A few days ago, two people, two published writers reacted to my ranting about 'voice' and 'tempo' with very similar words.  ". . . you're overthinking the whole thing," and "You probably shouldn't be trying to think about it so much."

And, their offered solutions, both referring to short fiction or stories, were pretty much the same, though for slightly different reasons.

"Just write."


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