Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Deep 3rd Person

According to, "Deep POV is third-person subjective taken a step farther than the normal
The third-person subjective shows story through the eyes of one or more characters—one at a time, no head-hopping please. 
Deep POV goes beyond that to take readers into the head and heart of a character, allowing the story to be seen and felt through the characters' experiences and history and thoughts and feelings."

Well, well, well. I will go back and check my Bugs in the Grass for head-hopping once again. It's one of my stories I can't seem to let go of -- for all its faults, it seems to me it has so much life. Of course, very often writers are the worst assessors, delusional even, regarding the quality and vitality of their pieces. I have t say, though, that my own experience of myself and of the reports of other writers is that our delusions tend to be on the "I don't think it's good" side of the ledger.


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