Narrative Drive
So, a valued mentor let me know that the work he has seen from me lacks "narrative flow". As I have mentioned (!) before, I had to look that phrase up. Me being me, INTJ, I needed to understand what this odd phrase might mean. After severe and prolonged introspection, I discovered that diversions, reflections, and non-sequiturs are my natural place to come from. And I do believe that the best writing, from all of us, emanates from our natural place. At the same time, I am also acutely aware that our weaknesses are often, not always but often, our strengths overdone. So, I decided to look at this newest phase of my apprenticeship as a writer by addressing this. So, I looked around (yes, some more) and decided that if any form of fiction required 'narrative flow' it was a crime novel. So -- you can see the punishing logic driving me here -- I decided to write a 'mystery' while at the same time maintaining as best I could my own 'voice.' A short novel, no less.
Here's my observation so far. I have committed to progressing from swimming a few laps in the pool, -- passably, mostly, some of the time, if you don't look too close -- to swimming the English Channel.
I have actually begun this Quixotic journey with the usual mix of terror and enthusiasm.
I like it and I am just so uncomfortable. Sound familiar?