Monday, April 3, 2017

What Is Your Overall Goal? or Watcha' Tryin' Ta Do?

If a writer is a person who writes to enrich the lives of those who will read your work, and your own life as well, the first answer to your question "What is my goal?" is probably not a marketing or sales answer.

Much of the online advice you read will probably address sales and marketing issues; and there are lots of good reasons for that.  It's easy to get caught up in that swirl, though, long before you are either ready to judge that kind of advice or are prepared to take it.

My answer for myself is this: "I want to write so that when someone happens upon my words, they are glad they paused and read them and, as a bonus, they decide they want to read them again."

This is far different, triggers and inspires a different kind of activity, than possible answers such as: "To be famous"; "To live forever"; "To change people's' minds about something"; "To be important"; "to make tons of money like J. K. Rowling" [good luck with that]; "to be mysterious, attractive and special"; "to be cool"; "to make my true self known"; "because it's the only thing I can do that anyone else might care about".

Your answer may be different than any of those.  I have found that articulating my own goal, even though it may change later, helps take a lot of the static out of my head and lets me move forward with the actual writing part.


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